
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When Life Gives you Lemons

I didn't know how much that saying could mean until this morning...You can do two things with the lemons you can keep them sour or turn them into something sweet...I unfortunately kept them as they were then changing them and bringing out the bad in myself.

I know how much I must be lectured for being stupid, cruel and thoughtless towards my family, friends and duties that I have taken on...I have quit nearly everything I have started...I have stopped my own progress to my own destruction I have not heeded my parents good advice when they give it so freely and without reserve to keep me safe and out of the wrong.

I just wanted to say Sorry if I have hurt you or wronged you and I am changed...I have learned that if I do not keep my own things kept and clean and ready for anything and try to keep myself in the right it always ends in disaster.


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