1. Rothbert was only 15 when his mother left him his father then went to the tower that Rothbert now resides in and blew his own brains out.
2. Isabella would love it just to wear trousers and act as a man for a day or two for in this world men rule over woman for they are meant for two things: To marry and have children.
3. Henchman and Rothbert grew up together though Henchman was the outcast and the one who was picked last and Rothbert at that time was quite Popular but he decided to scrap that and become a evil mastermind and now he and Henchman have the greatest time together.
4. Sam is bound to a Order called Sacra Cor (That means Sacred Heart but sh dont tell anyone that x3) one that helps people in need. Sacra Cor is a group of men from the Crusades still in want of something to occupy there mind other then Farming or whatever they did in the Crusades.
5.When a flower falls from a black Lily the people all gather round and drown it for they are afraid because of its colour it will kill everyone (Superstitions).

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